CBSE 11th Commerce can be slightly challenging for students who have just passed their 10th standard and are all set to embark on a successful journey in the field of Commerce. Once you have got hold of the 11th Commerce subjects, it is important to focus on the right study pattern to help you succeed in your academics.
Out of several options out there, Commerce for 10+2 is a lucrative option for those who wish to excel in the fields of accountancy, banking, finance, business management, and so more. The course offers access to a myriad of 11th Commerce subjects in which students need to excel to get the most out of the crucial 10+2 period.
To ensure that you have a successful and well-planned period, you can follow some important tips to excel in 11th Commerce subjects and the entire course. Here are some crucial study tips for your 11th Commerce:
Prepare a Proper Schedule: Right from the moment you get up to the time when you sleep, prepare a proper schedule to help you have an eventful day. You should start your day on a lighter note by eating a healthy breakfast and engaging in some exercise as well. Once you are all fresh and lively, you can pick your subject of the day and start preparing notes for it. While studying throughout the day, make it a point to never miss your meals, take proper rest, and not waste time on longer breaks. It is recommended to note down the subject for the day and go through its basic concepts for a better understanding.
Keep Your Platter Lighter: Avoid keeping too many tasks aligned for the day. Commerce has core subjects to take care of -typically 5 core subjects. Therefore, make it a point to cover all the subjects within a week. You can think of taking Sunday off from the normal schedule as you need to relax a bit as well.
During the week-off, you should aim at unwinding yourself -relaxing and retaining all that you have learnt throughout the week. Avoid taking 5-6 concepts or chapters together. You will end up confusing yourself. Select 1-2 concepts at a time and study them thoroughly.
Mix & Match: It will turn out to be a great learning experience when you do not get bored of a single subject or concept. Therefore, you should take around 2 concepts or subjects for the day. Keep switching between different subjects for your 11th Commerce preparation. Keep changing the subjects every week such that you do not get bored of the same.
For instance, you can think of taking up a theory-based subject like Economics with a practical one like Accountancy. When you do so, you are able to retain ample interest in all the subjects and concepts.
Take Adequate Sleep and Rest: Power naps and proper breaks will help you in regaining and retaining what you have studied. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is something that every student should necessarily indulge in during the 24-hour schedule. Avoid sleeping for longer hours and messing up with your schedule. The delay will continue for the entire day. There is a thin line between tiredness and laziness. Take proper rest as you need to be fresh throughout to start over with the next subject. Avoid procrastinating your preparation for subjects as it will delay your study pattern.
Indulge in Some Light Activities: There is no denying the fact that physical activities are crucial even when you are studying. It is believed that when you wish to be successful in life, there are two basic means -physical and educational activity. One is for the soul, and the other is for your body. However, these need to work simultaneously for any person to attain perfection.
If you wish to increase your attention span and concentration while studying, you should be active in some type of light-hearted activity like physical activity, sports, or even running.
Indeed, focus is needed on all 11th Commerce subjects to succeed in your 10+2. Still, you need to pay attention to other aspects of preparation as well. All the best!